The above Quote is from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. This quote has an impressive amount of significance when it comes to my life and the future that I have indeed dreamed about.
I implore you, do not think I am clinically insane. I am, admittedly, unorthodox, but I am still very much a rational being.(That's what makes me dangerous :) lol) I have a belief that God will use any means of communication that he deems worthy. Sometimes he puts people in our life that will shape us, sometimes he uses situations that do the same. But I also believe that will communicate with those that he loves in ways that don't make sense. I believe that God can communicate to people through their consciences, their physical and mental feelings, and even through dreams. I do have to say, this does not give anyone the right to say, "Well I dreamed it, that must mean God wants me to do it." Any form of communication this way must be double checked with earlier forms of revelation, namely Common Sense and Scripture. (I am a Christian, so I do indeed mean the Bible.) In this, I do not by any means endorse the use of violence or sexual promiscuity. I have had dreams like that but it is against the plan of God and the rule of law to do such things. As such it renders these things null and void.
For Some reason God has used every method possible to kick me back onto the path that he has for me. My dreams are simple, but that is because I have learned my lesson from planning things out too much.
I have 5 primary wishes:
1. I wish to be a faithful man of God. - While this might seem trite, it is far from. This past month I have seen God do things that I have never seen before. His power has shaped my life and I want him to continue to work in my life. As such, I wish to be faithful in my walk with Him.
2. I wish to be a minister. - My career is one that is not very popular with people. I'm supposed to be this "pure example." But how does that look? I believe in the maturity of Christians and the Freedom of our Wills and Consciences by Christ. I desire to be an under-shepherd of Christ.
3. I wish to have a family. - I have a desire in my heart to find someone that I will be able to spend the rest of my life with. While this might be easy for some people as they have already found their significant other or are in a steady relationship, I am the perfect picture of failure in this area. I have never had a relationship that has lasted over 6 months. I have had relationships end because of something I have done, and even once it was something I didn't do. Every time, it gets more discouraging and it seems that maybe I will never find anyone. But, I will still hope.
4. I wish I could succeed. - I have been a "failure" in everything I have tried. I can't keep a girlfriend. I am still working for minimum wage. Also, this is my sixth year of college, and I will have to take a 7th in order to receive my diploma. Although I have learned much from my many faults, I would like things to go right once in my life.
5. I wish I could be truly content. - While I am content with most things in my life, I have a hard time being appreciative of all the things I do have. I have not been content with my position in life and it always seems like I am the one that is not getting the picture. It's hard to have desires you know you shouldn't, and then repressing them till you either don't care anymore, or they explode.
Quibbling Quandries:
What are your 5 wishes?
If you could be anything for a week, what would it be? (And I do mean anything)
What is your biggest stumbling block right now? How can it be overcome?
What is your perspective on current culture?
Interesting Illuminations:
What are the top 5 moments in your life, right now?
(In no particular order) My previous relationship, Playing organized soccer for 20 years, Attending Providence CC, my younger siblings in my life, the times God has worked in my life to let me know who I really am
When you look back on life, when were the easiest times to have hope?
Hope was easy when things were good. Now, things aren't so good, and it's easy to be cynical.
What is your favorite snack food?
Chocolate Milk, Hummus, and Pita Chips
How do you show love?
Physical touch, giving gifts, and quality time
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