Monday, June 27, 2011

Trip to Russia: Day 1, Part 2: Red Square Trip

Hi all!  Sorry I haven't been posting for the last couple of days due to illness and business.  I was trying to get an internship position at a church.  Unfortunately, that fell through, so I am still looking for a job. 

On a brighter note, here is another post about my trip to Russia. 

On the evening of my first day in Moscow the developers of World of Tanks (devs) took us to Red Square.  Red Square is a fascinating place because of the history that has taken place there and the unique aspects of the buildings that border it.  Red Square is bordered by the Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum, the Russian National Armaments Museum, and the largest indoor public market (mall) in Russia.  While touring there we walked on ground that only 30 years ago was some of the most hostile to Americans. (To a certain extent it still is. :/ ) This is where there is a parade every year that shows the force of the Russian military.  It started with Lenin and Stalin, and continues to this day.  It was told to me that only 3% of Americans have ever been to Red Square.  This means that I am one of 3.7 million Americans to have ever visited this historic place.  It was an amazing experience.

After our walk and some other sightseeing, we went back to the Hotel and Crashed!  Many of us were so jet lagged that we got up at 6 am (that's 3pm CST) and were still very tired.  I, however, got very little sleep and was awake by 4am. (1pm CST)  I was basically up for 32 hours straight.  Ya, it sucked.  At least I got some good pictures. :)  Until next time, TI.

 The Kremlin
 Sorry that some of these are sideways.  I can't figure out how to turn them, so you can just turn your monitor. :)  BTW, This clock is the official timepiece of Russia.  According to tradition, it does not become the New Year in Russia until this clock rings the New Year in.

 Red Square
 The cobblestones of Red Square that have seen so much military hardware and history.
 A picture of the Kremlin from Red Square

 Dawn at 4:30 am Moscow Time

 Lenin's Mausoleum

 Russian Central Market
 The Armament Museum

 Some FSB Agents.  We were trying to be on our best behavior.  These guys were just making sure.
 Downtown Moscow from a Scenic Overlook
 One of my Teammates and his "Tank Commander" Pig
Russian T-54 Medium Tank

 Russian Self Propelled Gun (Artillery)

 Semi-Amphibious Light Russian Tank
 Moscow with Red Sky (2am)

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