Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monthly Rant: Rob Bell is a Ding-a-ling

Ever since I started this blog I told myself I would keep my ranting to a minimum.  Well, it has been about a month, so I think it's time for a new one.

The above video is a promo for Rob Bell's latest book, Love Wins.  If you haven't done so, please watch it.  I'll wait.....No, really I will.

See I waited. :)  Okay....Where do I begin?  There is so much messed up in this video it was sickening.  I have a few major beefs with him and his interpretation of Christianity.  I can't say this critique includes his interpretation of Scripture, because he doesn't have one in this video. (or the book for that matter) The man has a problem with telling people no.  One problem I have with him is the idea that only the "select few" (some critics of a particular Reformed denomination use the term "frozen chosen") have the title of saved.  The question that I have to ask is: What if it is the other way around?  What if there are billions and billions that are saved and it is the few that deny the work of God?

Another issue I have with Mr. Bell is the understanding of authority.  In our postmodern culture, we as a whole have denied any form of a meta-narrative on our lives.  This category includes, but is not limited to, the Bible.  Due to his understanding and leadership of the fringe of the emergent church movement, he has embraced the ideas of postmodern culture.  This presupposition has influenced every other belief in his life.  The idea that man can dictate who is good and who is evil, puts the man above God and the reason of man above the foolishness of God.  This is in direct contradiction to the foundation of all religions, but especially Christianity.  This denies the power of God and as such, (and I do hate to say this) Rob Bell is not preaching Christianity.  If what he says is what he believes, I can say in confidence, as Paul does: Rob Bell is not a Christian.

This equates him with the Dogs of Paul's day.  Those dogs were preaching a form of semi-Pelagianism, Christ and the law.  Rob Bell teaches that God does not judge people on their sins.  This means that Rob Bell's teaching promotes that Christ died for nothing!  This makes me so furious that I cannot continue.  If you have questions for me or would like me to explain something, please leave a comment.


  1. Why should we not think of Christianity as something dynamic? As something that meets the needs of the people that believe it? As something that does change? As something that SHOULD change? Rather than something dogmatic. Something where an endpoint can be reached.

  2. I hear the term not a true christian from so many. You know what, If I am a goddess, I will make sure to keep that in mind if I get a chance to judge. As for Rob Bell, if hell doesnt exist, then it makes the whole of christianity meaningless, not to mention, he WILL attract some of the worst members of society: rapists, child molesters and serial killers will be more than happy to oblige.
